Monday 30 January 2012

Research Evaluation

Through my research i have been able to gather idea on topic, composition and style, all of the elements i need to compose to achieve the result i am after.

When deciding upon a topic i wanted to work with something challenging and interesting, the sheer complexity of an actual engine is what first drew me to focus on that particular topic. Although it is unlikely that i will be able to replicate such complexity in my designs whilst still communicating well.

The style influence i felt was most useful was the discovery of the sketchy grain of Le Munch, the bold colouring with minimalist composition strikes me as unique and attractive. Though his topics of focus were far more technical drawing based i think i can employ some similar styles in my illustration and double page spread, specifically the colour blocks and grey scale.

For composition i found that looking at cutaways of cars, weapons and other complex objects i was able to grasp the basics of engine layout, enough to create a feasible illustration. Furthermore the discovery of the Renault Electric Car advert was one of my most useful finds as it grasped in clear terms and effective presentation, my exact idea, though the end justifications will be entirely different, the basic purpose is roughly the same.

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