Monday 30 January 2012

Choosing and Drawing an idea

At this point in the illustration process i evaluated how much time i had left against how much that still needed to be done, including the actual presentation of the finished product. Whereas originally i would of liked to have included 4-5 illustrations, that time consuming nature of my subject meant that i decided to reduce that number to 2 or 3 ideas only, embedded within a spread and perhaps a poster.

At this point i also decided which household appliances i most wanted to focus on, i decided it was best to decide based on the simplicity of the appliances purpose. Therefore i chose the kettle, the toaster and the toilet. This decision came about because each object serves on a single purpose whereas the smartphone or the cooker could serve several and would therefore over complicate the actual process of illustrating several designs.

I used a variety of graded pencils in the developed drawings and took multiple photocopies in order to experiment with component compostion

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