Monday 30 January 2012

Le Munch

In a brainstorming session i was aided in the discovery of the work of Le Munch, specifically his work with engineering drawing type illustrations. The images below luckily very specifically display what i hope to achieve with my illustrations. The use of minimal but block colour i think works very well in emphasising the rough sketches.

Furthermore i like the way that Le Munch has including his scrawls along the sides of the images, this allows the work to feel rugged and natural, its rough presentation adds a charm to the composition.

Note the sparse use of colour and the strong black of the lines, i think if i was to illustrate like this, as well as incorporating some of the imperfections evident in these sketches such as rough lines and scrawls across the page. Not only would this make for an interesting illustration, i think that this kind of style would lend itself well to a double page spread.

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