Monday 30 January 2012

New subject!

In a session of sketching i decided upon a combination of two of my previous topics
namely making the inanimate animate and engine art. I found i was somewhat limited by each of these topics in both my imagination, scope and time constraints so i decided to experiment with some idea using both topics.

figure 1

figure 2

figure 3

In figure 1 the household product i have drawn are: a smartphone, a toaster, a kettle and a cooker. Out of them all i think that my favourite is the kettle as i find the concept of something incredibly mechanical happening in a device as simple as a kettle ammusing. Such a conept works with the toaster too however i think the design of kettles, especially contemporary ones are more suited to my interests.

In figure 2 i have drawn a henry hoover, an iron and a toilet. The henry hoover i felt was easiest to "customize" with engine parts, perhaps due to its size and complexity compared to the iron and the toilet. i immediately had some idea of what i could add to make it a combustion machine.

Figure 3 contains the sketches of a printer a computer and a microwave. The printer is my favoured design as i think its interesting to consider what happens within a printer as its almost always concealed by its casing.

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