Monday 9 January 2012

Engine art

looking at the bare bones engines of our common vehicles i think truly shows them in there mechanically and beautiful "natural" state. The first thoughts that i had on the subject would be to include engines as social intractable 'art' in other words being places in public spaces for the public to interact with, whether that means seating for example or for the larger variants porta loos.

The larger of the engines, such as boats, planes and rockers , i feel make lovely sculptures, and would make for interesting public displays, say in parks for the nature vs mechanical contrast or in busy shopping centers to emphasize the man made essence of an engine.

Below are some of my intial ideas based on quick mental constructions.

In this sketch i had the idea of taking a section out of a plane and transforming it into a cafe or seating area, i imagine it could have something to do with council recycling. Given not strictly speaking engine related but something that sprung to mind.

This is a visualisation of the idea i mentioned earlier regarding aeroplane engines being converted into porta loos, i could see such a thing being erected in parks or busy city centres.

Using smaller engines i imaged that parts of parks, perhaps the edges of a childrens playgrounds could be segregated using the jet engines.

I focused on aviation on these sketches as i find jet engines to be most fascinating and also the most versitile.

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