I realised where alot of the inpiration for this idea came from, i stumbled across this advert on youtube and its perfectly demonstates the base idea behind my illustration came from. Basically the advert consists of people going about their daily lives, using normal appliances that we have come to expect in modern day households. However, all of these appliances are run by fuel from a small engine or a large engine depending on the appliance. Tasteful modification have been made to the appliances to show this, for example extra exhausts, visible cam belts and cable start up motors.
card readers
vending machines
electric whisks
these are the items used in the video.
The advert i feel is very effective at putting the point that electric cars are as viable as any other electric appliance. specifically it allowed me to take some hints as to presentation and composition for my own ideas, despite the fact that the appliances i have picked were not in the video.
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