Wednesday 1 February 2012

Final illustration developments

The first thing i wanted to try before officially declaring the illustration ready for the spread was to make sure i had displayed each respective illustration in its best light. Firstly i tested some live trace options on the toaster drawing, an option i had yet to consider for the second illustration. Most of the live trace options removed the colour, which shows that doing it the opposite way around the second time may not of been the best option. The tools that did work were:

                              Simple Trace

The image became crisp and somewhat stylized, i felt that although it looked okay, it wasn't quite the way i had in mind to be presented.

Technical Drawing

Using the 'technical drawing' option entirely washed out the image by reducing the black drastically.

Inked Drawing

the last option i tried took dark greys for black as you can see above, the rest of the image only appeared slightly darker so not enough benefit to warrant the change.

Next, something i had considered earlier on in the process returned to me as a possibility. The way in which Blueprints are covered in scrawl and notations and captions and directions added to their overall design. Le Munch' sketches were often adorned with scrawl and mess and i think it difinately added to the effect and the charm of the particular piece. I decided to test whether adding such detailing to both my illustrations could improve them, i thought about adding: measurements, instructions, component names, explanations, equations.

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