Wednesday 1 February 2012

Completing the kettle

To make certain changes and allow me to create the neatest final illustration, i used tracing paper to go over my drawing and finalise everything. I scanned it in and coloured it in photoshop.

starting with this:

I separated the white from the drawing using the magic wand and created a layer with my line art and the white background with the colour layer in the middle.

Using a combination of the eraser and painbrush tool, i cleaned up the image and added colour to the drawing. I tired to make the colours of the engine bolder than the less important colours of the normal kettle.

So although a lot of the engine inside the kettle is grey i've used deeper tones to that of the main kettle shell. Similarly the exhausts and the fans have their respective colours which bring the out of the drawing. Keeping the colours relatively minimal allows to better focus on colour for the main double page spread.

I further experimented with the colour choices by testing see whether adding greyscale and grain helped to bring my illustration closer to its inspiration (le munch)

i thought this perhaps might be a better way to go especially for when i encorporate the illustration into a double page spread in the style of Le Munch, aka using bold block colour and minimalistic colour in the actual illustration.

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